Guess what? You are not limited to the one size that you wear, when shopping in the thrift store.
You can shop in the sizes that are too big for you. I do it quite often now. If I see a shirt in a pattern that I like, but it is an XL, I will still pick it up because it is fairly simple to alter just about any shirt. So I will show you below, how I sew up my shirts to make them fit exactly how I want them to. (learned this easy trick from my mother-in-law) Plus, I love buying extra large shirts and altering them, because then they are nice and long! I love long shirts that sit right below the hip.
First, you need to buy a shirt that you want to alter. Here is the one I bought -
This is a photo of it after I had already altered it. Oops. I didn't think about making this into a blog post until after I had done it. My apologies.
Next, find a shirt that you already own, that you really love the fit of to use as a "pattern" so to speak. Then turn the thrift store shirt inside out, and lay your well-fitted shirt on top of the new shirt. Line up the necklines, or the top of the shirt. Then trace the line of your shirt onto the new shirt. You can use a piece of white soap to trace with, or a fabric marker. This line will show you were to sew up the new shirt.
Now head over to the sewing machine and zip that shirt through on a loose straight stitch, doing your best to follow that line you drew on. Then do the same thing again, only on the other side.
Turn the shirt back to the right side, and try it on. If you like the fit... AWESOME! If not, you can pull those stitches out, and try again. Or if it still feels too big there is no need to pull the stitches out, just zip it through your machine again only sew a little closer in. You will just sew a parallel line to the one you followed before.
Sewing the sleeves may get a little tricky. But the important thing to remember here is, it doesn't need to be absolutely perfect. That is something I struggle with because I tend to be a perfectionist. If for some reason your sleeves are just not working out, feel free to just make it into a sleeveless top.
Once you get a great fit, you need to turn it inside out again, and cut off the extra fabric.
Then, you can use the extra pieces to make something else. Maybe a headband, or a flower to decorate another piece of your wardrobe? There are so many fun things you can make with thrift store clothing. My fabric happens to be stretchy, so I may turn it into a headband or possibly long strips to make a pair of wrap sandals.
I learn as I go with sewing. My sewing machine skills are very limited, but yet with the simple things I do know, I can make a whole new wardrobe. So have fun with. Experiment! You paid a dollar for that thrift store shirt, so if you mess it up..... oh well! :)
Cheers to custom thrifty wardrobe!