Wednesday, March 13, 2013

If You Plant Them.... (Inspiration to Start an Herb Garden)

They will Grow!  Or at least.... they should grow. 

I decided one step towards being self-sustained is to start a little kitchen herb garden.  I love to cook, and being able to use fresh herbs more often would be fantastic.  Now - I can't go full blown outdoor garden style because we live in an apartment so I am doing container gardens for my herbs and letting them sit in our windows.  I chose 6 herbs - Basil, Cilantro (my favorite!), Oregano, Rosemary, Garlic Chives, & Sage.    I think, secretly, I really just wanted my own cilantro...   

I pay like $1.29 for a bunch of cilantro, I believe, and typically the cilantro starts to go bad before I can use all of it.  So growing my own and cutting it as needed sounds like a much better plan to me.   Another plus to growing herbs is you can cut your herbs and dry them for use at a later time.   

DAY ONE! Basil, Cilantro, Oregano 
These pictures were taken with my tablet, so they are not the best. Don't tell my tablet I said that... 

DAY ONE! Rosemary, Garlic Chives, Sage 
I have only been working on my own herbs for about 3 weeks, and already it is incredibly satisfying. Just planting the tiny seeds was satisfying.  You feel really good about yourself after starting something like an herb garden.  It is one small step towards healthier food, cheaper herbs (that are FRESH), and relying on me, myself, and I.  AND you can use herbs for homemade remedies, natural beauty products, and much more. 

After about a week and a half.
In case you have no idea where to find what you need to get started you can take the easy way out like I did and just purchase a kit. I found these two kits on Amazon. Yes... possibly I could have saved money by finding all the different items on my own, but for just trying this for the first time - I feel just fine about purchasing a kit.
 - These ones are a little shy...
The reasons to start your own herb garden are nearly endless.   Shall I list them again?
  • The satisfaction alone
  • Fresh herbs at the ready
  • Hopefully it results in money saved!
  • Pretty green plants in or around your home
  • Bragging rights
  • Homemade remedies
  • Homemade Skin Care recipes (I will share some on here ... all in good time.)
  • Requires very little time
  • And SOOOO many more. 
Now, if this trial goes well... I will transplant/ or start new containers that are larger with my favorite herbs.  Because obviously these small containers will not produce a ton of herbs.    I will keep updating on my herb garden's progress. 

If you have started your own herb garden and have some ideas or tips, please share them! I am so excited to see where this goes!


  1. I have a container garden in the summer with herbs and a few veggies. I love being able to go outside and pick fresh stuff! As soon as I figure out how to keep my cats out of the plants, I will grow herbs inside the rest of the year!

    1. Thats fantastic! I would love to be able to grow outdoors as well. As soon as we are out of this apartment, I asure you I will be on it! ;)
      I wonder if some plant stands would help with your indoor garden, where a kitty couldn't quite jump onto? Good luck! So good to hear from other people who are growing their own goodies.
