Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The beginning...

Hey there!  My name is Melanie. 

What do I want to blog for anyway?

One: I want to start adapting a greener lifestyle, and basically head towards a more self-sustaining life with my husband.  So I am hoping as I try new things, I can share them here and get other people to try such projects as well.  There is no greater feeling than that of "HA, I did this myself!"

Two:  I run two Etsy shops that I will be talking about quite frequently because they revolve around recycling, handmade, and all natural type of products.  Three very fabulous things that I love to talk about.  My two shops are MABeInspired, and SimpleSincerity.

Three:  I love DIY.  I live for DIY. So again, as I try things myself - I hope to share my successes or failures occasionally :) and encourage others to try some DIY fun.

Four:  Well I am sure I will write about other things that don't have much to do with those three reasons, like traveling and what not so you have been warned.  

 A bit about me in 30 seconds - I live in Michigan - Currently in the U.P. but originally I am from downstate.   I have an Associates Degree in Art, and focused my studies in photography.   So look forward to pretty pictures!    I am married to a high school teacher.   I tend to be pretty organized, except for my creation room... we all have our flaws.  My husband and I love to travel - we backpacked through South & Central America for 5 months. I also love to cook and bake - I send cupcakes into my husband's school and they call me the Cupcake Queen. Well as for everything else, I am sure you will learn along the way as I continue to post.

Thanks for reading! I look forward to sharing ideas and pretty things with anyone who is willing to listen! 

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